Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 20

In conversation with workers this week, we asked ourselves: what would we do if we had a real summer break? Folks imagined swimming every day, visiting faraway places, spending time with family, making art, and doing absolutely nothing.

While securing a months-long summer break seems like a far-off dream at this moment, so did the eight-hour workday at one point in time. In order to enact the future we want to see, we must be in touch with our desire for alternatives. And so we find ourselves motivated by truly imagining: what if?

What if our relationship to work looked drastically different? What if we were able to be more present for our children without worrying about missing too much work? What if we could take time off for rest or play as often as we wanted to? What if our work felt dignified and purposeful? These possibilities are within our reach. The question is: will we continue to accept what’s been handed to us, or will we organize for a better future for all?

In solidarity,

RV and Toy

Read full Newsletter Issue 20 here.


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 21


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 19