Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 24

Raise your hand if you’re tired. Keep your hand up if you’re going to keep going anyways. Ok, all of you with your hands up, give us a virtual high five. You deserve it. We all do. If 2022 has taught us anything, it’s that we need a little silliness and a lot of care to make it through mass layoffs, skyrocketing inflation, climate catastrophe, a widely disabling pandemic, and other crises of corporate greed and still emerge with some hope for a better future.

We’re moving towards the New Year with reminders that when we act collectively, we can and will change our circumstances. This isn’t some naive hope. We’ve seen proof. From the headline-making wins for the labor movement this year to the interpersonal ways we see our communities showing up for one another, we know what is possible when we have each other’s backs. As we look to 2023, we are eager to see what change we will continue to make together.

Happy New Year,

Kaarthika, RV, and Toy

Read full Newsletter Issue 24 here.


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 25


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 23