Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 43
Happy July,
This Disability Pride Month, we are grounding ourselves in the power we can wield when we center inclusion and access in our organizing. To borrow from Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha:
“Disability is a set of innovative, virtuosic skills… And this innovation, this persistence, this commitment to not leaving each other behind, the power of a march where you move as slowly as the slowest member and put us in the front, the power of a lockdown of scooter users in front of police headquarters, the power of movement that know how to bring each other food and medicine and organize from tired without apology and with a sense that tired people catch things people moving fast miss – all of these are skills we have. I want us to know that – abled and disabled.”
What wisdom can you bring in when you build with disabled comrades? What might you prioritize when you shift to considering how quickly you or other loved ones may become disabled? Let us lean into this innovation, the power that comes from centering access so that no matter the repetitive stress injury, the mass disabling pandemic, the worsening air quality, we build a world that can hold each of us.
Yours in solidarity,
Danielle, Mary, and RV