Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 40

Happy April!

This month, members and alumni from across Local 1010, OPEIU, and the greater labor movement gathered at the Labor Notes Conference and the OPEIU Educational Conference. We met to learn from each other’s experiences, build solidarity, and conspire on ways we can transform the industries we serve.

In a world where work is increasingly remote and depersonalized, we know time together is precious. There is great strategizing, relationship building, and commiserating that can happen when we’re in person together, so we make space to learn from each other and share what we know. We show up, we listen, we engage, and we don’t expect perfection from ourselves or others. When you have the chance to be with comrades in person—whether it’s the next time you’re in the office, at a conference, or an all-staff meetup— we invite you to join us in remembering what possibilities open up when we share space together.

Your co-conspirators,

Danielle, Mary, and RV

Read full Newsletter Issue 40 here.


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 41


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 39